Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Functions of Company Secretary of Listed Company

  1. Submission of Quarterly financial results to Stock Exchanges and publication of the same in the local news papers.
  2. Get certificate from Practising Company Secretary towards number of Demat equity shares and number of physical shares comparing them with the number of paid up equity shares.
  3. To conduct meeting of Share Transfer committee.
  4. To submit Quarterly report on Corporate governance to Stock exchanges within 15 days from the end of the quarter.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Annual Return - Companies Act 1956

The entire list of shareholders with their details are not required to be filed every year with ROC along with Annual Return. The full details of shareholders shall be filed once in 6 years. Changes in the shareholding between two Annual General Meetings should be filed every year.

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Friday, November 03, 2006

FEMA - Foreign Ex. Transactions by ressident Indian

RBI has allowed resident Indians for any current or capital account transactions or a combination of both up to $50,000 per Calendar year.However the amount can not be used for purchasing lottery tickets or investment in Bhutan, Nepal, Mauritius or Pakistan.No entity other than a licensed banking company could solicit foreign currency deposits from residents.